Sunday 13 January 2019

Dom Bower Transformation

Firstly if you’re reading this and wondering who the heck is Dom Bower?
I’m a professional property photographer with a company that makes property videos and floor pans and images which you can see here  I also make YouTube Videos. I spend a lot of time in behind a computer, editing photos, videos and emails and a lot of driving to locations for shoots. I'v always had an interest in strength and fitness, I would love watching Worlds Strongest Man on TV and regularly went to the gym in my teens, but then Universty, alcohocl and freedom to eat what i wanted resulted in me getting pretty squishy around the edges. That coupled with a car crash that herniated several discs in my spine make it almost impossible for me to even put on a sock never mind lift any weights, really put me out of the game.


My issue was food, sweets actually, i love my crisps, chocolate and sausage rolls. For work I drive around the city a lot and that requires a lot of change for the parking meters which, although i would get a bag of 50s, would run out quickly and as a result I would pop into a corner shop and buy something under a pound and hand over a £5er to get change. this usually was a Yorkey or a Galaxy or a McCoys Crisps and in any given day I found out I was eating up to 1000Kcal a day of junk.
I had managed to get myself to 104kg (16.5 stone) (5f 11inch tall) and got a shock when I saw this video of myself

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